Ravioli is an amazing thing. Homemade ravioli is even better! Here is everything you need to know when making your own ravioli from home.

If you don’t know, Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta. It consists of two sheets of pasta enveloping a filling. The pasta stays pretty simple but the fillings can range from ricotta, meat, four cheese, pesto, and more! That’s the beauty of ravioli. The possibilities are endless!!
Personally, I’m obsessed with ravioli! I love the taste, shape, texture, and much more! So, I decided to try making it myself. You may be intimidated to make homemade ravioli but in my opinion, it’s completely worth it! The experience was super fun and interesting!! So let’s get cooking
Before you even step in the kitchen to start making your ravioli watch this video from Bon Appétit. Claire shows you a bunch of great basic knowledge for how to make the ravioli.
Here’s what I learned from the video and from my personal experience:
The thickness of the dough matters. I’ve found that 1/8 of an inch is the perfect thickness for homemade ravioli dough. The goal is to roll out the dough paper-thin. This will make it much more delicate and delicious.
Don’t Roll out the dough by hand! This tip sort of goes in hand with the last one but it definitely needs to be said. It’s key to have even and smooth dough when making pasta. If you are a beginner pasta maker, please don’t try rolling it out by hand. If you do try, you will most likely end up with a really uneven dough with awkward thick and thin parts. Instead, just invest in a hand-cranked pasta sheet maker or an attachment for your kitchen aid mixer like this one.
Use water when putting together the different pieces of dough. Before you put the second sheet of dough on top of the first one,
Pop the air bubbles. After you put the sheets of dough together, there will most likely be little air pockets by the fillings. Grab a toothpick or something of similar shape and size and pop those bubbles. This will make the ravioli cook much better.

A little extra flour never hurt anybody.😉 Y’all, don’t go too light on the flour. When rolling out the dough, be sure to thoroughly sprinkle it with flour so it doesn’t stick to anything. If the dough sticks to the counter or roller, you run the risk of puncturing a hole in it so be careful.
Don’t leave too much extra dough around the edges. When I made my ravioli I felt the need to leave some extra dough around the outside edges so my ravioli wouldn’t bust. I’m here to tell you to not worry about that. When eating, this made the ravioli a bit less enjoyable. Instead, go ahead and just cut around the filling leaving about a half-inch of dough on each side.

Lastly is the fun part. Enjoy your homemade ravioli! You’ve just spent the past few hours slaving away in the kitchen so now, enjoy it! Turn on your favorite playlist of Netflix shows, cuddle up in a warm blanket, and savor it!
If you wanna feel extra fancy, turn on this playlist. It has the BEST vibes!